Facebook is again pushing back on new Apple privacy rules for its mobile devices.
Facebook is publishing in full-page newspaper ads that the social media giant is standing up for small businesses.
What’s the matter?
Web users rarely know when they are tracked by companies like Google and Facebook
Facebook and Apple are fighting over how iPhone users are tracked by apps.
What apple want?
Now, Apple is hoping to bring some transparency to the whole process, at least for iPhone, iPad, and Mac users.
Apple is asking companies to tell users about tracking and that users must give consent.
And Facebook is not happy with this saying the move will harm small businesses.
Facebook criticized Apple
Facebook has criticized Apple for its upcoming Privacy changes that would force it to clearly tell users when it is tracking them.
The social media giant published a full-page newspaper ad in the US targeting Apple’s future iOS update.
Facebook claims that the new iOS update would “limit businesses’ ability to run personalized ads and reach their customers effectively.”
Apple defended Facebook move
Apple defended Facebook’s attacks, saying that it isn’t preventing people from being tracked if they so desire.
The main change is that people will have to grant their permission before Facebook and other apps will be able to monitor their online activities.
We believe that this is a simple matter of standing up for our users.
Users should know when their data is being collected and shared across other apps and websites — and they should have the choice to allow that or not.
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